News in English - 25/06/2014

New Democracy MPs threaten to vote down amendment on judicial officers’ wage cuts

Five New Democracy deputies ask for military and security staff to be included in the amendment that aims to reverse pay cuts of judicial officers otherwise they threaten to vote it down.

Strong protests against Public Power Corporation “sell-out”

Amid fierce reactions to the sellout of the Public Power Corporation (DEI), the bill for the “small PPC” will be introduced to the Parliament on Wednesday next, July 2. Primary unions have declared repeated 48-hour strikes. Local labor union “Spartacus” has decided the closure of the PPC unit in Western Macedonia region.

New land use bill introduced into Parliament

Greek coalition government submitted the new land use bill to the Greek Parliament today, by emergency procedures – as usual.
The bill includes six renewable energy investment projects proposed by Mytilineos and Copelouzos groups and German company Energon. According to the Greek major opposition party, the bill lets millions of euros to be wasted while allowing for malls and department stores to be built in thus far exclusively residential areas.

Ministry of Finance refuses to comply with Council of State decision

Once again the Ministry of Finance refuses to comply with two new Council of State decisions that judged unconstitutional the tax on both the university employees’ library allowance and the one provided for government employees’ working abroad.  

“Golden Dawn” members face magistrate

Members of Golden Dawn party Barbarousis and Zaroulia were led to the magistrate today to give their depositions. They face charges of leading and participating in criminal organization.

Private businesses insurance contributions owed to the state in arrears

Only 9 out of 100 people owing insurance contributions to the state have arranged a gradual repayment of their debts by the end of May. Nevertheless,  a 40% among them are unable to pay the installments.

Prisoners continue hunger strike

Prisoners across the country have started a massive hunger strike to protest against the creation of a maximum security prison by the government and the horrible conditions of treatment and detention in Greek penal institutions.

Port Authorities rescue 16 migrants in Corfu island

16 undocumented migrants were rescued by Port Authorities in a coastal area west of Paleokastritsa, Corfu, as their boat was left rudderless after the inflow of water.

University administrative staff still on strike

University administrative employees continue their strike. Higher Technological Institute (TEI) and the University of Patras are still occupied by students and staff. The Technological Institute of Central Greece will remain close until Sunday next, June 29 following the Senate’s decision due to lack of subsidization for the year 2014.

Ministry of Health warns of high ozone levels

The Greek Health Ministry has advised citizens with respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, children and the elderly, to remain indoors for as long as possible during the hottest part of the day on Thursday, due to a high concentration of ozone in the atmosphere.

Charges against Infanta Cristina formalised by Court of Mallorca

The Court of Mallorca has formalised charges against Princess Cristina, King Felipe's sister, as well as against her husband, in a tax fraud and money laundering case. This is unprecedented for the Spanish royal family.
She was noticeably absent from Felipe's proclamation as king.

Four Egyptians injured in bomb explosions

At least four Egyptians were injured in bomb explosions in 3 different Cairo underground stations.


Clear weather  all over the country, with very high temperatures, which might locally reach up to 38 degrees Celsius.
Sunny and very hot weather in Athens, with temperatures up to 39 degrees Celsius. Warm weather in Thessaloniki, with temperatures up to 35 degrees Celsius.
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54