NEWS IN ENGLISH 20-11-2014

The movement “Deport Racism” and the “Sunday School for Migrants” in solidarity to the nearly 300 Syrian refugees, most of whom are homeless and remain concentrated in front of the Parliament, are demonstrating in  protest for the indifference of the Greek authorities towards them. They are war refugees encaged in our country unable to return to their country or to move on to some other country of the EU. Their representatives handed in a resolution. Police made clear, however, that there is no possibility for them to stay for a second night in Syntagma Square.

The Business Chamber of Athens, in a communiqué issued today calls for immediate intervention by the state as well as the Private Insurance Supervising Department of the Bank of Greece, as “ … the ropes have literally been untied and any bank feeling that it can blackmail its clients misusing the power it may exert on them, will charge them with the security cost of each transaction. Their aim is to distort free will in the choice of security services reaping illegal profit.” “Unfortunately this is not about single episodes but a widely used practice”.  “In this way a new security oligopoly is created…” Finally the Chamber believes that the Authority of Protection of Private Data should look into the violations caused by the illegal use of personal information by banks and insurance companies.

The Relatives of Prisoners Initiative gave a press conference in the hall of the Athens Bar Associationto announce that it has filed with the Council of State against the decision of the Minister of Justice naming the Domokos prisons as high security prisons, since this is the only way to question the constitutionality of the law introducing Gama-type prisons which was voted by the summer parliamentary section. The members of the initiative have also applied for a temporary suspension of the ministerial decision which will be examined on the 23rd of April 2015.

Rector of Athens Kapodistrian University is now reconsidering the proposition of electronic referenda noting that in any case he would never question or undermine the legitimacy and usefulness of student unions, after an occupation domino in many of the country’s universities.    

A parliamentary question about the brutal and unprovoked police violence during the march of November 17th in Athens and Thessalonica was tabled for discussion in Parliament today by 11 SYRIZA MPs. “It was police repression beyond democratic functions. We were one step before human lives were claimed”, stressed Christos Karagiannides MP of the leading opposition speaking to the ERA radio newspaper.

There is no space for substantial mutual understanding with the government in the matters of debt and dealing with the crisis, stated SYRIZA spokesman Panos Skourletis referring to the scenarios about the upcoming meeting between Samaras and Tsipras.

There will be no tax returns to citizens and businesses revealed vice- president of the association of tax officers Triffon Alexiades. “The Ministry of Finance alleges that this is due to technical problems but this is a politically motivated action”, he noted.

President of LA.OS party Giorgos Karatzaferis will be indicted to the Prosecutor and the Court of Auditors as a result of the findings of accountants investigating his financial affairs for three felonies: Money laundering, false assets statement and violation of the law for off shore companies.

The opinion of the Ministry of Environment will be binding in the planning and implementation of waste management from now on according to the new bill presented by the government for consultation. The region of Attiki described the bill as an attempt to patronize region planning and to support contractor interests in the collection and management of waste.

Prison inmate Nikos Romanos has returned to his cell after a short stay in the prison hospital. It is the eleventh day he has been on a hunger strike claiming educational leaves in order to attend obligatory classes in the Polytechnic school into which he was admitted. ERA has also been informed that Hercules Kostaris is entering a critical to his health phase of his own hunger strike as he is on the 23rd day.

The island of Kimolos is in a state of emergency as it has been out of fresh water for three days. “There is no water supply plan for us in the Ministry of Maritime Affairs” complains the mayor of the island in his letter to PM Antonis Samaras.

DIGEA representatives, the administration of the National Telecommunications and Post Commission and the political leadership of the Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Networks
Have been summoned by the Parliament Committee on Institutions and Transparency for an inquiry on the allocation of digital transmission of regional stations.

Ilias Skoulas, the well known political cartoonist with the easily recognizable style, passed away today at the age of 87. His funeral will be tomorrow at the cemetery of Nea Smyrni.

Young musicians aged from 16 to 25 are invited to participate in the new Youth Orchestra which is being created by POSPERT in cooperation with the embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

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A Swedish appeals court has upheld an arrest warrant against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, wanted for questioning in a sexual assault case. The Court of Appeal refused Mr Assange's appeal for the detention order issued in 2010 to be revoked.


Sunshine is expected tomorrow for the largest part of the country with sporadic cloudiness, especially in the northern Aegean. The temperature will reach 17 degrees Celsius and 14 in Thessalonica. 
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54