NEWS IN ENGLISH 07/02/2015

Interest is mounting for the upcoming emergency Eurogroup meeting on the 11th of February, to be attended also by IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde and European Central Bank President Mario Draghi
Today’s government Cabinet meeting as well as another meeting of SYRIZA’s Parliamentary group, at 5 p.m  are focused on the policy statements and the Eurogroup.
The government is asking for more time in the form of a “Bridging program”, for which no funding is necessary therefore it does not burden the tax payers of other country members financially.

Three days of discussion begin in Parliament on Sunday afternoon, concluding with a vote of confidence in a roll-call vote scheduled for midnight on Tuesday.

Meanwhile pressure from abroad is increasing. Greece must have submitted a request for a prolongation of the program in order to ensure the continuation of the financial support by the Eurozone, head of the Eurogroup Gerund Dijsselbloem said to Reuters.  “We don´t do bridging loans”, he answered when he was asked about the Greek request.

72% of Greek citizens support the government’s attitude in its confrontation with the troika and the international creditors of the country, while 59% think that this confrontation will continue in the following weeks.

75% of the people questioned believe that the new government is determined to carry out its pre-election pledges, as was recorded by an opinion poll by the University of Macedonia for SKAI TV.

While visiting flood-stricken areas Lagyna and Poros, along the course of the Evros River, Minister of Defense Panos Kammenos announced  the reinstatement of the Mixed Mzechanical reconstruction units (known as MOMA). MOMA consisted of officers and technicians of the Army. It was founded in 1957 in order to help out with the execution of infrastructure projects and was closed down in 1992.

Mr. Kammenos promised that the Army will always stand by local communities, helping in every possible way, whenever and wherever it is needed.

Referring to the ongoing negotiations, he  stated that Greece will not negotiate under terms of servitude.

“The battle for our country is just beginning”, said Georios Papandreou addressing the 1st Panhellenic Conference of the Movement of Democrat Socialists in the closed Peace and Friendship Stadium. “I will support the Greek side  in the negotiations. Those who invest in a “left parenthesis” are investing in a national crime”, he added, alluding to the leadership of New Democracy.

A boat with immigrants capsized near the Turkish coast on Friday night. 8 people have been rescued up to now, 6 died and 5 more people are missing.

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will be meeting with Chancellor of Austria Werner Faymann on Monday, as a part of the preparatory meetings with European leaders before  the Eurogroup. The Prime minister will return in the same day to Athens.

Russia will continue to have the “closest relations” with Greece, as with all the other countries of Europe without leading them to a confrontation with the E.U., said the permanent representative of the  Russian Federation in NATO Alexander Grushko.

Αn anti  austerity and pro-government rally is being organized through social media to  take place at Syntagma Square on February 11th , on the same date as the Eurogroup meeting for Greece. The main slogan will be “We won´t be blackmailed, not one step back to blackmail”.


"We believe that there are good grounds for optimism, to issue recommendations for conflict resolution," Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said after talks between the leaders of Russia, France and Germany on Friday. However he also warned against the arming of Kiev's military and blamed the United States and European Union for inflaming the crisis.


A deterioration of the weather is expected for tomorrow with rains and sporadic storms, especially in Western, Central and Northern Greece and in the Aegean. There will be snowfalls in the highlands, gradually  expanding in Western Macedonia, Epirus and Northern Thessaly during the afternoon.
Temporary cloudiness with a possibility of rain, mostly during the early hours, tomorrow in Attica. Temperatures in central Athens will reach 13 degrees Celsius.
Cloudiness with rain and sporadic snow are forecast for tomorrow in Thessalonica. Temperatures will reach 6 degrees Celsius.

Let us remind you that in Attica you may watch ERT 3 from frequencies 34, 58 in Eastern Attica and via satellite through Intelasat 19.
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54