NEWS IN ENGLISH 25/02/2015

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras briefed SYRIZA’s parliamentary group on what has been done during the first month it has been in office, emphasizing the negotiations and the agreement with the country’s partners. The PM spoke of achievements referring to the separation of the loan agreement from the MoU,the breaking off of the MoU  from the austerity framework, the end of unrealistic primary surplus targets and the intermediate deal which gives a breath of fresh air to the Greek people.

A conference of the parliamentary group of Independent Greeks concluded with their expressed determination to form an Investigation Committee to examine what led Greece to the MoU.

“In case Greece intends to delay privatizations, it should first reach an agreement in close co-operation with the Troica”, stated German Finance Ministry spokesman Martin Giegker.

The Communist Party tabled a draft on the abolishment of the MoU and the relevant laws of implementation, in Parliament today. It is organizing a demonstration on Friday at 7pm to protest against the agreement of the government with the creditors.

ANTARSYA is also organizing protests for tomorrow in Syndagma, Athens and in Thessalonica near the White Tower at 6 pm “against the governmental agreement for the extension of the MoU and the loan contracts”.

The cabinet, chaired by vice-president of the government Giannis Dragasakis, is currently meeting in order to discuss the coordination and acceleration of government work in the field of economy.

Undersecretary of Sports Stavros Kontonis announced the indefinite postponing of the country’s pro football championships to representatives of football bodies, due to recent violence in sports events in the professional leagues, especially during the Panathinaikos-Olympiacos derby on Sunday.

ASEP, within the framework of the mobility of secondary education graduate civil servants, has announced the new tables of state employees who are channelled into alternative positions. Members of educational staff who see their name in more than one positions, will be asked to choose one so that the Special Personel Board may complete the final tables. 

All the O.T.E employees of 13888 phone support were forced to resign last week by the company’s directing board, according to the employee’s union.

They accuse O.T.E for employing them indirectly through affiliated companies where they are asked to sign contracts that do not meet their qualifications and what are entitled by law.

In Thessaly, relations among Mr. Beos and the “Movement of Pelion citizens for the water”are particularly strained. The matter of irrigation is entering a difficult phase, with most local councils insisting on defending the decisions of village assemblies while the new regulation of DEIAMB is pending.

A new appointment of the Minister of State with representatives of ERT journalists and POSPERT,in order to discuss the draft of the law concerning the opening of ERT was set for tomorrow 9.30 a.m.


In Lebanon thousands of members of the Assyrian Christian community in the North east of the country are trapped between massive abductions by the IS militants and the attacks of Kurdish forces, supported by air raids by the international anti-jihadist coalition.


A deterioration of the weather is forecast for tomorrow by the National Meteorological service, with rains, storms and snowfalls in the highlands.

Conditions will allow the transfer of dust from Africa to the South and Eastern coasts. Temperatures will range from 9 to 16 degrees Celsius in Athens and in Thessalonica from 6 to 15 degrees.  
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54