Lies and truths. An answer to Antonis Samaras By Giorgos Kogiannis



Prime Minister,

I read with great attention your article in “Kathimerini” newspaper and I wonder why you have suddenly become so harsh on your “own people” to whom you have given free rein over ERT.






You pose the following question: “Is it possible to implement reforms without unsettling the “well ensconced”.

I suppose that you refer to those you have “settled up” yourself or your partners in the government. You presumably refer to the 30 sinecurists, special staff in their majority, personnel you have appointed since the first day of your coming to power.






Menelaos Sevastiadis, “koumbaros” of Samara’s communications director Giorgos Mouroutis, who receives a monthly salary of 3500 euros.



Ms Matina Retsa, compatriot of the government spokesman, Mr. Simos Kedikoglou who has run for office at times for PASOK and at times for New Democracy, receiving a monthly salary of 3000 euros. The aforementioned lady has never set foot at ERT premises but she does answer for Mr.Kedikoglou’s phone.



I presume that you refer to sports trainer Mr. Manousos Kambanelis, and local representative in Evia (Mr.Kedikoglou’s constituency), who was appointed to the position of office manager of ERT's executive director with a monthly salary of €3,500.Obviously, someone had to be the “eye” and the “ear” of the Administration minister.



I presume that you refer to complaints filed by ERT employees to the public prosecutor’s office and to the Public Andministration Inspectorate about the “feats” of the administration you have appointed on the head of ERT.




I imagine that you refer to the cost of television show “Mesogeion 136”, amounting to 1 million euros per year. A show that has been created as an outlet for Ms Anthi Salagoudi (candidate with New Democracy and daughter of a former ND minister) as well as for other relatives of New Democracy party executives.


Is it incidental that ERT’s legal department refused to sign the contract with the production company, judging that it was against the public broadcaster interests?



The contract itself had been drafted by the office of HBC News Director General, Mr. Aimilios Liatsos.



You stated Mr. Prime Minister that “The Corruption Prosecutor has ordered an investigation” and that “soon the masks will be off in “sinister” ERT



You presumably refer to the case of television show “EPTA”(Seven) that is already being scrutinized by justice for criminal impersonation. In this case, a retired journalist, friend of A. Liatsos, was recruited as the show's editor-in-chief, but because of his being a pensioner, and not being able to receive a salary, the editor-in-chief, on paper, was his son, who was doing his military service at the time.



I presume that you refer to the case of a well-known production company owner with two shows on ERT, who, thanks to her personal connections to your associates achieved to place her son as coordinator of the public television programming department. In case it is not clear, the son made the decisions and the mother produced the programmes.



You state, Prime Minister that “the Greek people rightfully wonder: “Do you have the political will to go against the rich and powerful and the known centers of profligacy or are you all the same?”



You obviously refer to co-productions that the previous administration had discontinued for reasons of transparency and they have been re-established in your days. These productions cost more than 35 million euros per year.



You say that “privileges in ERT were well protected and lack of transparency permeated everything.”



Speaking of lack of transparency, I surmise that you refer to the path every production company had to follow, in the days of your administration, in order to sign a contract with ERT. It had to pass through the office of the responsible minister, Mr. Simos Kedikoglou and consequently, the latter would submit the proposal to the public television. For the whole thing to work smoothly, your “koumbaros” Mr. Giorgos Antoniou,” was head of the committee that examined the proposals.



You say, “We have nothing against ERT employees. Many among them will be hired by the new organization. According to meritocratic criteria this time.



I presume that you refer to the criteria used to hire, HBC News Director General, Mr. Aimilios Liatsos or the TV presenter Ms Anthi Salagoudi, with the obvious merits and professional performance.



You describe ERT as “manipulated”.

I suppose you refer to individuals appointed by yourself who tried to turn the public broadcaster into a government mouthpiece. To give only a few examples


“Your communications director George Mouroutis would call HBC News Director General Mr.Liatsos during meetings giving him instructions as to when to issue breaking news bulletins with your statements.


Or, threats on the phone and otherwise, received by me, in my capacity as news director during the elections campaign, when Mr.Mouroutis was demanding to determined the order items were to be presented in the news bulletin.


I was removed from my position as soon as New Democracy took office.



You say that “those who defend ERT used to say it is “discredited”


You are obviously referring to the impact of your own policies at ERT.


Before the 2012 elections, the average ratings of ERT’s news bulletin was 9,5% (according to AGB). On election night, ERT had the highest viewership in Greece, at 18,5%. And then, only one year after New Democracy took over, rating fell to approximately 4%.



You said “We must establish a modern and healthy public broadcaster”



I suppose this is why ERT will not be able to participate in the tendering process for digital network providers – meaning that the sole viable bid will be submitted by Digea, a consortium of Greece’s six largest private media groups.



Your answers, Mr. Prime Minister, will be exceptionally interesting.

Yiorgos Kogiannis




Former ERT News Director


The Greek word “koumbaros” means "best man" but has a double meaning (i.e. the person who was best man at your wedding but also the person whose best man you were at their wedding, or your children’s godfather).




Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54