NEWS IN ENGLISH 28/03/2015

First meeting of the Brussels Group today, in order to discuss the measures to be taken by the Greek government aiming to achieve 1.5% GDP primary surplus and 14% GDP growth for 2015. According to government sources, the list of reforms does not include any “recession-generating” measures, primarily expected from the fighting of tax evasion, while they do not include interventions in labor laws and social insurance . If an initial agreement is achieved, the Euroworking Group may convene on Monday and, if no complications arise, the Eurogroup will convene probably on Wednesday for the final decisions. The people should not be reassured by government promises that there will be  no“recession-generating” measures stated the Communist Party“, adding:” In the so called growth supporting measures, several unpopular commitments are included, such as privatizations, changes in social security and taxation  "

In a press conference the leader of PASOK said: “We have lost the primary surplus and the positive growth rate. We have a shortfall of state revenues and a drain of bank deposits. We have investment immobility and increased bad loans. We are therefore proceeding full speed towards the Memorandum number 3, without being able to face the current acute liquidity problems. All of this in year 2015. Imagine if we had followed this policy in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 what would have happened.”

The new government is continuing the privatization of the port of Piraeus. Deputy Prime Minister Yiannis Dragasakis announced from Beijingon Friday that the sale of a majority stake of the Piraeus Port Authority will be completed within the following weeks.

Minister of Productive Reconstruction, Environment and Energy Panagiotis Lafazanis is departing tomorrow for Moscow where he will meeting his Russian counterpart on Monday. He will also meet with the CEO of Gazprom, as well as with representatives of the Russian Duma and government officials.

A foreign worker in the center of Heraklion died in a work accident this morning. The worker was taking part in the demolition of a house and fell from a great height through the rejection " tube " of debris , resulting in grave injury. He had to be released by rescue workers and taken to hospital where he soon left his last breath. The Labour Inspectorate is investigating whether safety rules were followed during the demolition .

Prison inmate terrorist Dimitris Koufodinas announced that he is ending his hunger strike in protest against type C maximum security jails, since the basic demands of the strikers have been met by the law draft presented by the government. More than 20 prisoners are also on a hunger strike, including members of Nuclei of Fire, 9 of whom were hospitalized under strict security measures since the condition of their health was found to be alarming.

The occupation of the radio station “Red 105.5” by anti- authority activists protesting  against type C prisons and demanding the release of Savvas Xiros, has ended after 6 days. In their announcement on the ending of the occupation they stated that they believe their aim was accomplished, with the pledge to continue their struggle against prisons of all kinds and to support of the prison inmates who are on a hunger strike”.

The recent decision of the First Instance Court of Thessaloniki in a “slap on the face” of the Bakatselos family and its business partners Stavros Psycharis and Fotis Bobolas, according to the news site  The Court verdict stops the plans of the well known businessmen and the two Athenian publishers from declaring bankruptcy in order to avoid paying debts amounting to 24.1 million euros. It  also notes alterations in accounts and records that alter the balance sheets of the complex.

Alternate Minister for Administrative Reform Giorgos Katrougalos  commented on recent publications suggesting that he has appointed in the Ministry lawyers who are working in his Law Office with the phrase: “New lies, new dirt”.

In a non paper reporting on the 60 days after the elections, the government claims that the Draft Law for the re-opening of ERT will be tabled in Parliament after Easter.

Daylight saving time begins at 3 a. m. tomorrow morning. Clocks should be set forward by one hour at 3 a.m. on Sunday morning to read 4 a.m. as summer time begins.


The Arab League is conferring to examine the Yemen Crisis.  Saudi Arabia seems determined to continue air raids against Shi'ite Houthi fighters, while Iran insists on a political solution.

In Rome, Italian metal-workers are taking to the streets protesting against the new measures announced by the government  of Mateo Rentsi .


Mostly cloudy weather with local showers and storms, mainly in northern and eastern Greece. Visibility will be limited in the early hours. Meteorological conditions will allow Saharan dust to be carried by southern winds in the south-eastern parts of the country. Temperatures in Athens will range from 11 to 16 degrees Celsius and in Thessalonica  from 11 to 14 degrees.
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54