NEWS IN ENGLISH 21/01/2015

---ALCO polling company conducted a new poll for the elections of next Sunday, January 25th, according to the results of which, the main opposition party precedes by 4.9% from the ruling party.

More specifically, SYRIZA is ranked first with 32%, New Democrasy is in the second place with 27.1%, the River ranks third with 5.6%, the far-right party Golden Dawn is fourth with 4.6%, the Communist party fifth with 4.1%, PASOK occupies the sixth place with 4%, the Independent Greeks Party is in the seventh place with 3%.

---The Independent Greeks Party leader Mr. Panos Kammenos, during the press conference he gave earlier today, expressed his confidence that his party will elect representatives in the next parliament. In the meantime, he urged the voters to choose whether they want a self-reliant and "arrogant" SYRIZA government or a government of both SYRIZA with the Independent Greeks with red lines drawn on national issues such asMacedonia and Thrace issue.

The Independent Greeks Party president will give an interview to George Philippaki for the first program of the Greek Radio Network.

---The Prime Minister Mr. Antonis Samaras is making a speech right this time at the John Vellides Convention Centre in Thessaloniki.

Mr. Samaras said that the election of January the 25th is the most critical ones in recent years. Meanwhile he criticized the main opposition for its financial proposals, particularly on tax matters.

---The traffic police is returning the driving licenses and the number plates of vehicles, in order to facilitate the voters, who will commute with their own means of transport, in order to vote.

---In the United States, the Republicans called the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to the Congress on February 11th about the threat from extremist Islamists and Iran, one day after the President Obama said that he would impose a veto on any bill which asks for the imposition of new sanctions against Iranover its nuclear program.

---And the weather forecast.

The weather will be sunny and mild tomorrow according to the National Weather Forecast Service. Deterioration of the weather is expected from the west with rains and occasional thunderstorms. The winds will blow from southern directions and their intensity will reach 8 on the Beaufort scale. The temperature will reach 19 degrees Celsius in Attica and 14 degrees Celsius in Thessaloniki.
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54